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Showing posts from March, 2016

Low Hanging Fruit Makes You Fat, Not Fit

It is probably in my top 5 phrases I can't stand hearing.  In meetings.  On TV.  The news even.  "Low hanging fruit".  This  phrase conjures up so many less than ideal images.  Testicles being one of them. It is a phrase that is slung around any time someone refuses to admit they are being lazy.  It sounds  better than "we would have to work for anything else".  It ranks up there with "fast track" and "short cut".  A pseudo-intellectual way of saying....the other way is too hard. Now I have fallen victim to the low hanging fruit diet.  It happens. I mean the fruit is right there.  And if your hungry enough it can be the only way to survive.  The problem is it is also extremely addictive.  Low hanging fruit is much like any other drug or habit.  It feels good to eat the soggy flesh of low hanging fruit.  If your stomach is empty, if you are desperate, you may even believe that it saves your life. ...