The night before my first (and, for now, my only) 50k I was pretty nervous, excited, prepared, happy and honored. Honored because I was hanging with some seriously hardcore and talented runners. These folks had become my best friends over the months training with them and having them mentor me. I've written before about the bond you form with those you suffer with. The ones that see you at your best and your worst, sometimes in the same day. I have friends, great friends, outside of running but this night I was with these friends. It was awesome. Well not for Royce, he had to hear me snore all night but in general it was awesome. For those new to my blog or want to remember who I am talking about feel free to visit this race report. The night before this race, I was in the same head space. Mentally and spiritually. However, I wasn't hanging with them physically and I hadn't been running for about 2 weeks so my fi...