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Showing posts from January, 2019

And there she is...

"I saw her."  Fenny wasn't known for flat subtlety.  Over the years the man had honed his skill for turning mundane interactions into carnival level productions .  But as he said those words with the dark tone of unfettered fear, I couldn't help but smirk.  And this was in spite of the fact that I knew exactly who he was talking about. _________________________________________________________________________________ Not long after our time in the clink for our minor vegetation infraction, Fenny and I decided that we still needed to see the Smokys.   By time in the clink I am talking the weekend.   We paid our fine and we were on our way.  Record besmirched but on our way.  Prison can do strange things to a person.  Make you really appreciate the finer things.  For me, it made me really want a burger from any one of the finer establishments that dot the highways across our great nation.  Thee burger of choice was marke...

Day One

As I flipped on the light switch I felt the electricity of anticipation surge through my body.  It isn't going to be an ordinary day.  No day after today will be ordinary.   It was odd to know this and yet still be unsure of just how extraordinary today would become.  How different I was going to be from here on out.  Knowledge is fleeting and floating.  It is a sly thing.  Hard to attain and, if not properly cared for, will slip away like a lost sneeze.   Grip too tightly and you can snuff it out or twist it into a shape unrecognizable.   It's enough to make you want to switch the light back off. The weather was holding onto the last remnants of early winter.  Afternoons could be sunny and mild.  They could also turn overcast and blustery.  Because of this I grabbed my jacket just in case my hoodie wouldn't be enough.   I took one last look back into my apartment thinking through my mental check list...