"I saw her." Fenny wasn't known for flat subtlety. Over the years the man had honed his skill for turning mundane interactions into carnival level productions . But as he said those words with the dark tone of unfettered fear, I couldn't help but smirk. And this was in spite of the fact that I knew exactly who he was talking about. _________________________________________________________________________________ Not long after our time in the clink for our minor vegetation infraction, Fenny and I decided that we still needed to see the Smokys. By time in the clink I am talking the weekend. We paid our fine and we were on our way. Record besmirched but on our way. Prison can do strange things to a person. Make you really appreciate the finer things. For me, it made me really want a burger from any one of the finer establishments that dot the highways across our great nation. Thee burger of choice was marke...