The thought of it was the stickiest thought I had ever had. It stuck in my brain like a cheap, sugary and chewed gum ball would get stuck in your hair. Unshakable. Completely wrapped into my thoughts from the moment the idea was first mentioned during another Bad Idea Club group run. I remember the first time it was brought up as clear as I can see me running in the race. We were at a stop light waiting to cross Main Street and then head down into the Ellett Valley. Brett turned to Trevor and said, "Bryce Canyon in 2017...Let's do it". As easy as that. Effortless. Just simple words.
Now I can't remember if I was invited or if I invited myself. Can't quite seem to recall if I knew it was a 100 mile race either. But, non-the-less, the mere mention of it struck my ears, rocketed into my synapses and traveled all the way down to my gut where it stayed for at least a week. Like a loaf of sourdough, that thought stayed with me. Dreams both waking and otherwise were filled with visions of the canyon. I Googled the poop out of that canyon. And like that I was hooked on an idea of race in a place I've never visited. A distance I've never imagined I could even consider. This wasn't me, who I used to be. Yet it felt like something I was born to do.
I made up my mind that I wanted to do it long before I ever told Deborah. Mainly because, as some of you know, I have fallen victim to some of my over romanticized ideas from time to time. It has happened in the past that I will get a notion of some glorious and amazing feat that fades from my plans as quickly as the idea seeped in. Also, I had sorta in a way told Deb, my family and friends that I would most likely never run over a marathon distance. Of course I had ran an Ultra, but it was kind of sold as a one-time-let-me-see-what-I'm-made-of type thing. In fact I think Deb even said, "After this, this is it for a while". So there was no sense in getting her heart rate up over something that could be passing. It was only until I realized that this feeling wasn't fleeting that I proclaimed to Deb (over a nice dinner)...I want to run Bryce Canyon in 2017. It is a 100 mile race.
In a technical sense training just recently started . I paced Trevor at the 2016 Umstead 100 this past weekend (April 2nd-3rd). When first asked if I would pace him Bryce Canyon was just a canyon in Utah. Of course I said yes those many months ago because of the adventure it promised. That and it was quite an honor for a friend to ask you to be there during this type of thing. Since having the idea of running a 100 myself, the pacing of Trevor took on an extra layer of importance. This was my chance to see what a 100 is like and what it does to the runner as well as their crew. The toll. You hear stories of suffering when you run with elite runners. The stories are rich and varied. But until you look into the eyes of someone who has been running for 18+ hours straight you have no idea what it really costs. The moment you see the relief and excitement of the crew as their runner comes into the finish... you can't imagine it. It has to be lived.
In a less technical sense my training has been ongoing. Every moment since I tapped Trevor on the shoulder and asked to run with him and his friends has been building to a race in 2017. All the entries into races of increasing length are the foundation to the dedication it would require. The patience and balance my relationship with Deb now possess was born from open communication. Communication about goals and life and us. About running. About friendship. When I proclaimed that I wanted to run Bryce in 2017 she asked if I was serious. I told her confidently I was serious and she just simply said...OK. The strength she possessed in that moment was impressive. Most distance runners don't talk at length about the worry their loved ones go through. But we know. We do. And it gave me strength to see Deb suspend hers so I can fulfill this need.
My plan is to keep a record of my training here. Because I like to write, I love attention and I really want to capture all the moments leading up to the race. The fear of forgetting is real. This will also maybe help those understand what it takes or why I am participating in this race. Maybe have a few laughs along the way. The more I am tearing myself apart physically and mentally, I am starting to see Sean. It is hard to be anything than your true self when you are fatigued.
As for Umstead, it was amazing. Brett, Trevor, Royce and Josh ran all-out for the entire race. Leaving everything they had on the course. I can't begin to express how proud of them I am. Their dedication and resolve. I ran yesterday with Jordan and we talked about Umstead. I told him that it was a strange emotion running the last lap with Trevor. I was relieved I wasn't in the pain cave but I was also jealous that I wasn't at the same time.
While I was there for support, the race was theirs. The moments theirs and I was lucky enough to share in some of it. I had a blast with Lois, Ginger, Jordan, Kristen, Butch, Josh (Starner), Jill, Michelle and Julia during the "down" time between laps. It is amazing to have such a community of people to be a part of that are driven and caring. Willing to give their all during a race. Even if they are not running said race. I am proud to call these people family and I love each of them.
Now I can't remember if I was invited or if I invited myself. Can't quite seem to recall if I knew it was a 100 mile race either. But, non-the-less, the mere mention of it struck my ears, rocketed into my synapses and traveled all the way down to my gut where it stayed for at least a week. Like a loaf of sourdough, that thought stayed with me. Dreams both waking and otherwise were filled with visions of the canyon. I Googled the poop out of that canyon. And like that I was hooked on an idea of race in a place I've never visited. A distance I've never imagined I could even consider. This wasn't me, who I used to be. Yet it felt like something I was born to do.
I made up my mind that I wanted to do it long before I ever told Deborah. Mainly because, as some of you know, I have fallen victim to some of my over romanticized ideas from time to time. It has happened in the past that I will get a notion of some glorious and amazing feat that fades from my plans as quickly as the idea seeped in. Also, I had sorta in a way told Deb, my family and friends that I would most likely never run over a marathon distance. Of course I had ran an Ultra, but it was kind of sold as a one-time-let-me-see-what-I'm-made-of type thing. In fact I think Deb even said, "After this, this is it for a while". So there was no sense in getting her heart rate up over something that could be passing. It was only until I realized that this feeling wasn't fleeting that I proclaimed to Deb (over a nice dinner)...I want to run Bryce Canyon in 2017. It is a 100 mile race.
In a technical sense training just recently started . I paced Trevor at the 2016 Umstead 100 this past weekend (April 2nd-3rd). When first asked if I would pace him Bryce Canyon was just a canyon in Utah. Of course I said yes those many months ago because of the adventure it promised. That and it was quite an honor for a friend to ask you to be there during this type of thing. Since having the idea of running a 100 myself, the pacing of Trevor took on an extra layer of importance. This was my chance to see what a 100 is like and what it does to the runner as well as their crew. The toll. You hear stories of suffering when you run with elite runners. The stories are rich and varied. But until you look into the eyes of someone who has been running for 18+ hours straight you have no idea what it really costs. The moment you see the relief and excitement of the crew as their runner comes into the finish... you can't imagine it. It has to be lived.
In a less technical sense my training has been ongoing. Every moment since I tapped Trevor on the shoulder and asked to run with him and his friends has been building to a race in 2017. All the entries into races of increasing length are the foundation to the dedication it would require. The patience and balance my relationship with Deb now possess was born from open communication. Communication about goals and life and us. About running. About friendship. When I proclaimed that I wanted to run Bryce in 2017 she asked if I was serious. I told her confidently I was serious and she just simply said...OK. The strength she possessed in that moment was impressive. Most distance runners don't talk at length about the worry their loved ones go through. But we know. We do. And it gave me strength to see Deb suspend hers so I can fulfill this need.
My plan is to keep a record of my training here. Because I like to write, I love attention and I really want to capture all the moments leading up to the race. The fear of forgetting is real. This will also maybe help those understand what it takes or why I am participating in this race. Maybe have a few laughs along the way. The more I am tearing myself apart physically and mentally, I am starting to see Sean. It is hard to be anything than your true self when you are fatigued.
As for Umstead, it was amazing. Brett, Trevor, Royce and Josh ran all-out for the entire race. Leaving everything they had on the course. I can't begin to express how proud of them I am. Their dedication and resolve. I ran yesterday with Jordan and we talked about Umstead. I told him that it was a strange emotion running the last lap with Trevor. I was relieved I wasn't in the pain cave but I was also jealous that I wasn't at the same time.
While I was there for support, the race was theirs. The moments theirs and I was lucky enough to share in some of it. I had a blast with Lois, Ginger, Jordan, Kristen, Butch, Josh (Starner), Jill, Michelle and Julia during the "down" time between laps. It is amazing to have such a community of people to be a part of that are driven and caring. Willing to give their all during a race. Even if they are not running said race. I am proud to call these people family and I love each of them.
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